Transparency Index

Top 100 Transparent Companies in the World!


Investment Thesis

We believe transparent companies have less friction, superior cultures, greater innovation and create IMPACT that results in higher level growth.

The graph shows cumulative returns for the period from April 1, 2017 to March 31, 2022. Starting value $10,000 hypothetical investment, assuming no withdrawal and no dividends. Using an archive back test, the number of transparent companies varied each year beginning in 2016. As such, the monthly returns were calculated for the number of transparent companies available in each year until June 30, 2021. Beginning on July 1, 2021, the monthly returns from the live index were included as part of annual return calculation.

Transparency Index™ Powered Using Refinitiv Data

Back-Tested Performance

The Transparency Index (“the Index”) commenced on June 16th, 2021 following the market close. All information presented prior to this date is backtested. Back-tested performance is hypothetical performance, not actual performance. Back-tested performance is prepared by retrospectively applying the Index methodology to historical information with the benefit of hindsight. Back-tested performance, therefore, does not reflect the results of actual trading. Back-tested, as well as actual performance, are not indicative of future results. The back-tested performance uses the same methodology that was in effect when the Index officially launched on June 16th, 2021. The back-tested performance shown in this presentation is unaudited and does not reflect the investment of dividends or other earnings. The Index does not reflect the reinvestment of dividends.

Using an archive back test, the number of transparent companies varied each year beginning in 2016. As such, the monthly returns were calculated for the number of transparent companies available in each year until June 30, 2021. Beginning on July 1, 2021, the monthly returns from the live index were included as part of annual return calculation. As a result of the archive backtest, the number of companies available at the beginning of each year was: 43 companies – 2016, 46 companies –2017, 51 companies – 2018, 64 companies – 2019 , 83 companies – 2020, 100 companies – 2021, 100 companies – 2022.

The index methodology does not overweight or underweight any particular industry, sector or geography. All KPIs are equally weighted. Company selection into the index is based on the level of organizational transparency as quantified by the 6 KPIs. Examples of reasons why companies did not make the index include: 1. KPI score less than 60% 2. Market cap less than $3 billion on a 30-day moving average basis 3. No company website 4. In an excluded industry 4. Not listed on a U.S stock exchange and 5. Not yet IPOed or IPOed less than 1 calendar year.

Transparency Index™ vs. S&P 500


We believe that transparency is a catalyst for IMPACT and growth that is set to transform industries.

Transparency Index™ vs. S&P 500


Transparency Index excludes industries that do not align with a positive impact on investment performance and the well-being of people.

100% Less Deforestation Producers Exposure
99% Less Toxic Air Pollution
99% Fewer Environmental Violations
99% Fewer Data Privacy Violations
99% Fewer Financial Crimes
97% Fewer Labor Relations Violations
95% Less Toxic Water Pollution
92% Fewer Product Safety Violations
89% Less Industrial GHG Emissions
  • Industries excluded: non-transparent industries and industries that are harmful
  • Impact performance is the measurable change in non-financial metrics related to corporate effects on people and planet

Is Your Company Transparent?


  1. 100 Transparent Companies
    Transparency Invest™ Research, data from Thomson and Reuters Global Securities Data Set, data as of December 31, 2021.
  2. +35% 5 Year Compounded Annual Growth
    Transparency Invest™ Backtest Research, data from January 1st, 2017 to December 3, 2021. Backtest source: Portfolio Visualizer.
  3. $127B Average Market Cap – Transparency Invest™ Research and market data of companies’ market cap, data as of December 31, 2021. Market Data source: Macrotrends LLC.
  4. 98% Fewer Financial Crimes Violations – Transparency Invest™ Impact Research, benchmark S&P 500, data from U.S. Federal, State and Local Government agencies. Source: YourStake.Org.
  5. 100% US Stock Exchanges – Transparency Invest™ Research, data from Thomson and Reuters Global Securities Data Set.
  6. 91% Fewer Environmental Violations – Transparency Invest™ Impact Research, benchmark S&P 500, data from U.S. Federal, State and Local Government agencies. Source: YourStake.Org.
  7. 88% Less Toxic Air Pollution Exposure –Transparency Invest™ Impact Research, benchmark S&P 500, data from University of Massachusetts Amherst PERI, US EPA and Corporate Toxics Information Project (CTIP). Source: YourStake.Org.
  8. #1 First Transparency Index – Transparency Invest™ and Market Research.
  9. 20% International Stocks – Transparency Invest™ and Market Research. Data as of December 31, 2021. Market Data Source: Corporate Website.
  10. $1B Minimum Market Cap – Transparency Invest™ and Market Research. Market Data source: Macrotrends LLC.
  11. 2.35 trillion cost of corruption (fraud, waste and abuse) per year globally by lack of transparency of government contractors due – Estimate from United Nation’s Office on Drugs and Crime and the Organization for Economic Organization and Development